032rdOn this website you can find music, images and texts that are on different mediums in 5 following sections :

Music: Videoclips, links, songs with lyrics and pictures. The idea is also to organize musical events.

Images: The images are those of originals paintings and new photographies about all themes. With the idea too to incite exhibitions..

Media and texts: a Website with free books, blogs and many links. Also with the idea of ​​organizing conferences.

The future is here: It is based on integggraal's knowledge. Without forget, the dance, theatre, street art and art of everyday life , etc. The idea will be,, unify all this for the creation of a foundation.

-Participing: This heading is the one of intrant-s, subscribers, supports but in two directions (supports for this page but supports both of this page). In donations way , contents, will be considered, as such participation, For instance, the best projects will be regularly published here.This is, in fact, the place where to participate and share, how you can enter into the page and into the projects. .

-About me: In this section are my contact informations and a short biography.